Some gift ideas for that IndyCar fan on your list

Rest assured, we’re still tracking for clues and actual concrete news about Chevrolet and Fiat’s potential future involvement in the IZOD IndyCar Series. But in the meantime, we’ve got a few ideas for what to get that certain IndyCar fan on your list this Christmas/Holiday season.

A fellow blogger, Monica Hilton (a.k.a. “the race gIRL“), tipped me off recently to United Medical Providers’ new 2011 IZOD IndyCar Series calendar. Many of your favorite IndyCar stars are in the calendar and there’s also discount coupons for Indianapolis Motor Speedway and IZOD merchandise, which is always groovy.

In addition, proceeds from the calendar will benefit the Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation and Racing for Kids — two very worthy causes. If your interest is piqued, go here to order your copy.

In addition, IMS will hold its annual warehouse sale this Friday (7 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET) and Saturday (9 a.m. – 1 p.m. ET) at Brickyard Plaza on 16th Street in Speedway, Indiana (across the street from IMS, natch). In addition to specials on all sorts of gear, you can get $5 off every $50 you spend if you bring in five non-perishable food items for the Speedway’s holiday food drive.

Happy shopping…